
Want to be part of the Pathfinder Program?

  • 21 January 2022
  • 0 replies
Want to be part of the Pathfinder Program?
Userlevel 7

Who are OpenSpace Pathfinders?

Pathfinders are OpenSpace’s top users and champions. They are leaders and innovators in the construction industry. They receive exclusive perks and benefits along with their participation in the Pathfinder program. Some examples include pre-release access, speaking engagements, awards and recognition (like our Pathfinder Spotlight features!).

Areas currently supported in the program are listed below. If your expertise is in an area not listed but you are interested in the program, contact the OpenSpace Community team.

  • :camera_with_flash:  User: Captures (Capturing)
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend:  User: Engagement (Viewing + Analysis)
  • :books:  Champion: Education & Training (OpenSpace/contech expert training team members on OpenSpace)
  • :trophy:  Champion: Lead (Spearheaded OpenSpace use in your project or company)

Pathfinders are able to connect with each other and the OpenSpace team through the private Pathfinders group in the OpenSpace Community. Pathfinders can be identified in the OpenSpace Community through their special Pathfinder badge, which you can find in their Community profiles.

How does someone become an OpenSpace Pathfinder?

:arrow_right:  To become a Pathfinder, you must apply or be nominated by someone. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and candidates are hand-selected by the OpenSpace team. Candidates must accept the invitation to join the Pathfinder Program in order to officially become a Pathfinder.

The invitation will be to join the private Pathfinders group in the OpenSpace Community. If you are interested in becoming a Pathfinder and you are not yet part of the OpenSpace Community, make sure you register now to start meeting other users, networking, and sharing your knowledge and expertise! While being part of the OpenSpace Community is not a requirement to apply to be a Pathfinder, we highly recommend it since you would need to eventually be part of the OpenSpace Community in order to officially be a Pathfinder.


Application Process

OpenSpace Pathfinder nominations are now open. You may submit a nomination for yourself or for a colleague.

:bust_in_silhouette:  Apply to become an OpenSpace Pathfinder

:busts_in_silhouette:  Nominate someone else to be an OpenSpace Pathfinder

We will notify candidates of their status through email. 

If you have questions about the program or the nomination process, please contact the OpenSpace Community team.

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