
Location Tracking through phone

  • 27 August 2022
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 3

Does anyone else have issues with the location tracking? When I take a capture it forces me to change the location tracking to ‘always on’. I would prefer ‘only when using the app’, but it doesn’t seem to accept that. A day or so later after updating the setting so I can capture on the job site - my phone notifies me and asks if I really want the openspace app to be always tracking. No, I would prefer not. So I change it back. I have to continually go back and forth in order to get a successful capture.

It doesn’t seem like all my co-workers have this issue, but I have noticed it with some. What setting am I missing? 

9 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Thanks for sharing the experience - I’ve had the same thing happen with my last two captures - I’ve just gone in and adjusted the location settings, but also would prefer only to have the location tracking while using the app.

Following along to see if I have my settings set wrong somewhere as well!

Userlevel 1

Hi Justin and Alex ! My Name is Dan and I am from the Support Team here at OpenSpace. 

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with location tracking. Can I ask you what type of mobile device you are using ( iPhone, Andrios, iPad, etc. )? Also, Alex you stated your co-workers do not have this problem, do you know if they use the same type of mobile device or something different?

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

iPhone for me!

I also use an iPad sometimes for the captures, but prefer the phone - don’t believe I’ve had the issue when using the iPad.

Userlevel 3

@Dan Keniley

Most of us in office are iPhone users so that’s where most of my (and our office’s) experience is with the app. We do have ipads available I could try out if needed. Thanks for the reply! Glad I’m not alone in seeing this.

Userlevel 1

Hi Alex and Justin. 
Thank you for your patience.
Can you check to see what the location setting is for the OpenSpace app ? There is an option ‘ Ask Next time or when I share’, I wonder if this is checked on on your phones. 

Here are the steps if you are unsure how to update location tracking settings for your iPhone apps :

Userlevel 3


I currently have ‘While Using the App’ selected. I do have the options you mentioned, but that is not selected. When I do a capture, it forces me to turn on my location even though this setting is checked to ‘While Using the App’. It only lets me capture if ‘Always’ is checked.

Userlevel 1


Thank you for the information, that is exactly what I need. I will contact our internal teams and see if this is intended behavior ( I don’t believe it is ), once I hear back I will update you here. 

Userlevel 3

Wanted to follow back on this since I just had this happen again. Screenshot of the error below. It still doesn’t let me capture unless I switch it to always allow location. 

@Dan Keniley 


Userlevel 5

Hi @Alex Crownover I hope your holiday season is going amazingly! I appreciate the screenshot you have provided. Please go into the OpenSpace App > Settings > Export Network Logs and send those over to support with Attn: Dan & Sandi. We will take a look through the app activity with our Engineers. I look forward to receiving that app data. 
