
Waypoint Wednesday: OpenSpace Community by Cameron Wahl

Waypoint Wednesday: OpenSpace Community by Cameron Wahl

:raised_hands:  It’s #WaypointWednesday:confetti_ball:

Another new thing I’m adding to the Community :wink:  
Any time we have Waypoint clips to share, we will post them on Wednesdays! ​​​​​


To kick off our #WaypointWednesday series, here’s Cameron Wahl as the 2021 Waypoint guest speaker presenting OpenSpace Community. This was our inaugural user conference and it was our first big launch of the Community to the public, so this was a big deal!!! And Cameron crushed it  :sunglasses:  Cameron was chosen as the guest speaker after we received multiple applications when we opened up the opportunity to Community members. Thank you to Cameron for providing a great introduction to the Community for the hundreds of Waypoint attendees from all over the world  :earth_africa:


Cameron is one of our top Community members and OpenSpace users, so feel free to connect with him here: @Cwahl  

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