Wed, 9 Feb, 19:00 - 20:00

Webinar Wednesday: Inside the OpenSpace Lab

About this event

Inside the OpenSpace Lab

Participate in the Community Challenge by February 11, 2022, 11:59 PM PST for a chance to win either of the following prizes. Everyone who attended live and everyone who watches the recording is eligible to win.

:bulb:  Free brainstorming lunch with the OpenSpace Product Team

:gift:  $150 gift card of your choice


Join us for another Webinar Wednesday where we highlight recent and upcoming product releases.

Michaela Rhile (@Michaela Rhile), Associate Product Manager, will provide an overview of:

- Field Note Markups

- 3D Scanning

- ClearSight Progress Tracking: Concrete and Doors

- Admin Reporting Analytics

- Plangrid integration

- Mobile app improvements

We look forward to seeing you soon! Please register even if you are not able to attend as all registrants will receive a recording of the webinar post event.


Event details
Online event
Wed, 9 Feb, 19:00 - 20:00 (UTC)