
End-Of-2021 Competition!

  • 29 November 2021
  • 24 replies
End-Of-2021 Competition!
Userlevel 7

 :boom:We’re closing out the year 2021, and we’d love to celebrate your top 2021 projects, accomplishments, and highlights! Share your best 2021 construction photos and get the chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card. Show us the work you’re most proud of this year!


How the competition works:

  • :construction_site:  From now until Dec 31, 2021, submit your best photos and images highlighting the work you’ve been doing in the construction industry this year. New submissions won’t be accepted past Dec 31, 2021.

  • :ballot_box:  From now until Jan 14, 2022, OpenSpace Community members can vote on their favorite submissions.

  • :trophy:  The submission with the most number of votes on Jan 15, 2021 is the winner! The winner and the winning photo will be featured not only in the OpenSpace Community, but throughout all of OpenSpace’s social media platforms as well.


How to submit photo(s) and enter the competition (submission deadline - Dec 31, 2021):

  • You’d need to be a registered OpenSpace Community member in order to participate and submit a reply to this post. If you are not an OpenSpace Community member and you want to participate, feel free to register and join the Community! There are no restrictions to joining as long as you work in/with the construction industry.

  • Reply to this post with the image you want to submit. Standard image files are accepted (we highly recommend jpg or png). Feel free to add a name/description in the image caption if you’d like, but it’s not required. (See screenshots below on how to reply, upload image, and add caption)
    Hint: Adding a name to your submitted photo is a good way to make sure you can easily identify your entry out of all the submissions.


  • You can submit as many different photos as you want, but if you’re going to submit multiple entries, make sure to submit each photo separately as its own reply. This way, they can all be considered separately for voting. Submissions containing multiple photos in one reply will be disqualified. 

  • :no_entry_sign:  No submissions past Dec 31, 2021 will be accepted. :no_entry_sign:

REMINDER: This is a public competition, so make sure to only submit photos that can be viewed by the public. Do not share information or images that should remain confidential.


How to vote for your favorite photo(s) and help the best photographer win! (voting deadline - Jan 14, 2021):

  • You’d need to be a registered OpenSpace Community member in order to participate and vote on submissions. If you are not an OpenSpace Community member and you want to vote, feel free to register and join the Community! There are no restrictions to joining as long as you work in/with the construction industry.

  • All OpenSpace Community members can vote for their favorite photo(s) by liking the reply. 


  • The reply (with the submitted image) with the most number of likes (votes) by the end of Jan 14, 2021 wins. 

  • The winner will be announced in the OpenSpace Community on Jan 15, 2021. Social media posts will follow after. OpenSpace will coordinate with the winner in sending the $300 Amazon gift card. 

  • If you submitted a photo and want to increase your chances of winning, we welcome you sharing it to your network. While the voting period is open, feel free to share the link to this Community post and encourage others to vote for your submission. We want this to truly be a Community-driven competition, so the bigger the Community involved, the more fun it will be!

We are excited to close out 2021 by celebrating YOU -- our awesome Community making a big difference in the construction industry! Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to share with us and each other all the cool things you’ve been working on throughout this past year. May the best construction photographer win :camera_with_flash::tools:

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24 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Started at the bottom


Userlevel 6
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Now we’re here (The Penthouse View)


Userlevel 6
Badge +3
My Boss: “Go up to the roof asap and film our latest roof work before the storm is headed our way, it shouldn’t be too bad.”
The Storm:
(I made it off the roof before the storm arrived)


Userlevel 4

Greetings from Caro, Michigan where we are welcoming the season’s first snow fall as we construct a 100-bed psychiatric hospital

Userlevel 5

These are all incredible! Thank you everyone for sharing. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1
One of my favorite 360 photos. We put an Insta360 OneR on the beam for our topping out ceremony.


Userlevel 6
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Cool shot with a lot of depth (dm me for full res photo)


Userlevel 6
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Super Structure


Userlevel 6
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Userlevel 6
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Get to the choppa


Userlevel 6
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360 photo feat. the drone 


Userlevel 6
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Long reach for the concrete pump


Userlevel 6
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demolition + depth


Userlevel 6
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One of my favorite days of the year. 1) St Patty’s Day 2) The day we erected our (and my first) tower crane. We had to bring in one of the largest hydro cranes in the state to assemble it. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Not normally a selfie person, but the view from the top of the penthouse was too​​​ good to pass up


Userlevel 6
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If you get the opportunity to climb to the top of your tower crane… I highly recommend it


Userlevel 3

@JMandersPHX - these pics are SO COOL!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5


A Mavic 2 equipped with an Insta360 mount

Userlevel 7

These are all so awesome! Thank you for sharing your construction/work photos with us. We received a total of 17 photo entries.

Submissions are no longer being accepted at this time, but we have a little over a week left for voting!

Make sure to vote for your favorite photo before the competition officially ends next Friday January 14th. :thumbsup: Like the photo to vote for it, and the photo with the most likes will win! :raised_hands:

@Gerard @KevLyons @Rebekah @JMandersPHX @Cwahl -- Thank you for your participation; we’re almost to the finish line :wink: Feel free to spread this post widely and encourage your contacts to vote for your photo to increase your chances of winning :trophy:

Userlevel 2

Those were amazing!

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Great photos, big fan of the 360’s taken from the tower cranes!

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Amazing photos, cool to see all the great projects across the US! 

Userlevel 7

We are down to our final day of voting for this competition! Make sure to get those votes in before the day ends.

One of these people will be named the winner very soon :relaxed:
@Gerard @KevLyons @Rebekah @JMandersPHX @Cwahl  
Thanks for submitting all your awesome photos that have made this competition an absolute nail-biter! 

Userlevel 7

Just like that, the End-Of-2021 Competition is over! For the final time, thank you to everyone who participated by submitting photos and by voting.


And the winner is… @Rebekah :tada: CONGRATULATIONS!


At the deadline, @Rebekah’s photo had received 33 votes. At a very very close second, @Cwahl’s photo had 32 votes. And to round out the top 3, @JMandersPHX’s photo #1 had 29 votes.


Note: While this topic has been closed from further comments, people can continue to vote on the already submitted comments. Therefore, the vote count on any of the submissions may continue to go up. Votes past the deadline (after the competition has closed) do not count in the judgment.