
Everything you need to know about ideation in the OpenSpace Community

  • 1 June 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 3

 NOTE: Only OpenSpace users have access to the Product Ideas module. If you are an OpenSpace user but you didn’t use your OpenSpace email or login to register for the OpenSpace Community (or you used your OpenSpace email or login but still can’t access the module), please direct message @nikiya or email community@openspace.ai for access.


We are committed and excited to partner with our Community to keep developing a better product for the construction industry. You all are the construction experts and we want to learn from you! This Product Ideas module is the best place for you to share your ideas and feature requests, and discuss them with other Community members and the OpenSpace team. We review all ideas to see if there is a demand or if further investigation is needed. We will engage with ideas as needed to better understand your use cases and perspectives and help us decide whether we want to pursue an idea.




🔎 Search first!

Before you submit an idea, use the search bar to first check if an idea similar to yours has already been posted. Having duplicates would just make the group discussions messier and harder to track. It’s a more efficient use of your time to search first instead of taking the chance typing out an idea that already exists!


🤔 Create an idea

There are two ways to submit a product idea:

1) Click the “CREATE IDEA” button in the Product Ideas module.

2) Click the “CREATE TOPIC” button at the top of your Community home page. Make sure you identify your topic as an idea by selecting “Idea” for the kind of topic (other types available are: Question, Conversation).


📝 Describe your idea with as much detail as possible

Clarify your idea as best as you can so other Community members and the Product team can understand it well. Hint: Sometimes, graphics (screenshots, photos, diagrams, etc.) are a lot more effective than long paragraphs. When everyone is clear on what the idea is, it increases your chances of getting more likes! 

✅ Determine the product area for your idea

While Product Area is an optional field, we urge you to select a Product Area for your idea. This will help make your submitted idea be more easily discoverable. 

👆 Submit one idea at a time

While it may feel easier to dump a bunch of your ideas in one post, please avoid doing so. When a post contains multiple ideas, it becomes harder to know which idea people who voted on your post actually want implemented. Feel free to submit as many ideas as you want as long as you separate them into distinct posts.


💡 Identifying ideas in the Community

When you submit a new idea, the post will be labeled IDEA. All submitted product ideas will have the IDEA label, so it is easy to differentiate between regular discussion posts and product ideas/feature requests. 




 :ballot_box: If you come across product ideas submitted by other Community members that you would also want implemented, make sure to vote on them! In addition, you can leave comments on ideas if you want to provide more detail or add your own perspective on why you voted.



The OpenSpace Product team monitors the Product Ideas module. We review all submitted ideas and requests, and we may engage with ideas (leave comments and ask follow-up questions) to make sure we fully understand all submissions. The votes on the ideas is an important factor (among many others!) that we use to prioritize what to include in our roadmap.


When we deliver on submitted ideas, we will post product updates in the Community and we will make sure to comment on the original idea to inform those monitoring it of the status.


❓ Why beta?

We are testing different processes and strategies to find the best way to gather user feedback and feature requests for our Product team and to keep our users up-to-date on our product development. We know the Community is such a valuable resource so we want to try the Product Ideas module – this module is already an evolution of the original (now archived) Product Ideas group, which allowed us to engage with submitted ideas but did not have an optimized way of filtering for different product areas and prioritizing based on votes.


Since this is our initial test, we understand that we only have the basic foundation set up in this Product Ideas module. There’s so much more we can do with this! That being said, we are open to your feedback on the Product Ideas module and process as you try using it:

  • Would you like us to handle things differently in regards to ideation?

  • Do you have best practices for ideation that you would like us to do as well?

  • Is there a specific idea that you would like us to review further or that you would like to flag to us?

👇 Comment on this post with your thoughts and suggestions on Product Ideas as we test out this module!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Awesome, can’t wait to test this out! Thanks for the update @Jess Lam 

Userlevel 5

Update: Our new Product Ideas in the Community are now out of beta! Please read to check out the new process here and guidelines here. We look forward to seeing your ideas in the Community 👏

