🚀📊🚀 We're building dashboards and we want your feedback! 🚀📈🚀

  • 20 April 2023
  • 8 replies
🚀📊🚀 We're building dashboards and we want your feedback! 🚀📈🚀
Userlevel 4

Hello! I am working with @Ronald Viernes  on prototypes for dashboards we might want to include in the OpenSpace product for Org Admins. We would like to do some testing and get some feedback on our ideas, and we wanted to open this up to the community first! 📈🚀📊🚀

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please send me a DM or reply to this thread! 

8 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

I wouldn’t really be using this, but love to see this kind of action in the community

Userlevel 1

I would be interested to see/be open to any sort of testing with my team.

Userlevel 1

We would be interested in testing out some dashboards for our project! 😁

I would be more than willing to participate in any testing for Organization Administration prototypes and dashboards.


Hi Michaela,

I would definitely be interested in participating in the testing. 

Let me know how I can help/get involved!

Best regards,



Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I would like to be included in the testing if it’s not too late to join.

Userlevel 4

Thank you all so much for the interest! We would love to get dashboard feedback from all of you! Thank you to those of you who have already provided feedback. I messaged you all privately to get your email and then we can send over a link that makes it easy to give feedback on design. I really appreciate that you all want to collaborate with us on this project. 



Userlevel 4

Hi All! Thank you so much for your interest! I wanted to share a link to where anyone interested can give feedback https://app.hubble.team/study/x57vCebaWAx1FZmyxjGXgd


If you agree to share your microphone while you are reviewing, you will be able to give us verbal feedback on the designs. Please let me know if you have any questions. 


@Ryan Stokes @kwohlfar @Jim Carlton @Scott Bouchard @Greg Phillips 
