Openspace use with sub-trades!

  • 14 October 2021
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 5
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I am curious to know how everyone is using openspace with sub-trades?

I have started to use openspace for discussions with subtrades during the tendering phase of tenant Improvement projects. Sometimes it is easier to perform a MS TEAMS meeting with the subtrade and review the site conditions using openspace rather than meeting on-site. We no longer need to meet on-site for a 10-15 minute meeting! The subtrades appreciate this solution as they save time not having to travel to the site.

I’m just curious, how are all of you using openspace to your advantage in working with subtrades?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

We use it a few different ways, the one that I think is the best is for precon walks and pursuit walks. Going in and walking a job that we are bidding and providing the trade partners with the walk so that they can go back and view the conditions rather than walking it one time and trying to remember it is so useful and helpful. I think that it helps trade partners get the best chance for an accurate estimate when they can examine the conditions for as long as they need. 

Userlevel 5
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Our biggest way lately has been QA/QC checks with them. Our Drywall contractor has been notorious for covering up in-wall items so we have been going back making sure boxes, pathways, etc. are installed. When we have finishes on the wall its helps from having to cut exploratory holes.

Also, our Mechanical design has been less than ideal on a Renovation Project. We have sat down with our mechanical contractor and gone though the space identifying where Fan Power Boxes are actually located and how ductwork is ran verses what the drawings show. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Does anyone know if there is a way to share captures with subtrades and have an expiration date for their access to the capture? I think this was discussed in another post, but unfortunately couldn’t find it. The work around I found was making the capture public and then several days later taking away that option and not allowing it to be public. This causes an error for anyone that was previously given a link. I would however find it beneficial to provide a link with a expirty date (example 10 days). This would be helpful during tendering. Let me know your thoughts.

Userlevel 4

@Brycethomassin Unfortunately there isn’t a way to add an expiration date to shared folders right now. Like you mentioned, the only workaround is to delete the shared folder. I can put in a request to our team to see if we can get an expiration date added to shared folders. Just curious, where/when do you see it being helpful to have an expiration date on shared captures?

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Thanks for the response Josh.

I would find it helpful during the tendering period which could be anywhere between 1-3 weeks. This would allow bidders to go into the capture to view the space and modify their quote as needed. Often site visits will be performed, but it is hard to capture everything in one site visit. In order to reduce the amount of questions asked, it is beneficial to provide access to the capture so that they can go into the capture at their own time and re-look at the space themselves without having to perform an additional site visit.

Userlevel 4

Thanks for the insight @Brycethomassin. Totally agree this would be useful during the precon/bidding period and the expiration date would ensure that only your team would have access to the capture data after bidding. I’ll put in a product request to our team and see if we can get an expiration date option added to shared folders. 

Userlevel 5

@Brycethomassin Thanks for this feedback - - love the idea of adding an expiration date to the links that you are sharing. Another potential workaround is sharing a link in an OpenSpace Shared Folder and then turning off the link when you no longer would like them to have access. This option is best and no longer means that you need to generate a new Public Link after it was turned off. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Thanks for the feedback Georgie, and yes that is the same workaround that I have been using. :grinning:
